The 24-Hour Library is BACK!

We have some very exciting news for you… The Library is returning to 24 hour opening! Great news for you night owls and early morning larks! Find out more…

By Samantha Platts

One of our joys at the Library is granting your wishes, though these usually take the form of book requests rather than pumpkin carriages and glass slippers. So it’s such a delight for us to announce that by popular demand, the return of 24 hour Library opening is coming soon – you won’t have to leave by midnight! Our Christmas gift to you is 24 hour opening of the main Library building, starting in week 1 of term 2, Monday 10th January 2022.

Access to the main Library building, as well as the collections inside, will be available 24 hours a day. This means you can study at the time that suits you, find that book whenever you chose and photocopy to your heart’s content. Just remember to bring your student ID card to gain access to our Library spaces.

A purple and yellow graphic saying 'Your Library Open' and a drawing of the 24 hour services of the library.
Image: University of Warwick.

And it’s not only your uni card you should be mindful of. With the Library’s extended opening hours, it’s increasingly important that you look out for yourself as well as preparing ahead for a late-night study session. Unfortunately, we haven’t all got a fairy godmother to look after us. Access to the Library at all hours of the day and night can be very tempting and you might feel like you should be studying more than ever – just because the Library is open doesn’t mean you should be there! Getting that work-life balance right can be really tricky but it’s so important. Not to mention the fact that keeping regular hours, eating well and getting some sleep is invaluable to your ability to study well.

Two white women with blonde hair, one in the foreground and one in the background, browsing bookshelves
Image Credit: University of Warwick.

Remember to think practically too! Check bus times if you live off campus and make sure you have enough food to last you. While being in the Library is great for getting you in the zone and away from any noisy housemates, it doesn’t have the facilities that your home does. Prepare yourself for a night away from a well-stocked fridge, extra jumpers and a comfy bed for an easy retreat. So make sure you’re prepared for any trips to the Library. (We all know Cinderella was packing a Snickers in her satin clutch bag, even if brothers Grimm left this detail out.) Bring along some slow-release energy food, a spare jumper and your phone charger. Perhaps even set an alarm for the last bus back to Leamington. Remember to bring a face mask too – COVID is unfortunately also operating 24 hours a day and we want everyone to keep safe. It’s the planning ahead which will make for the most productive (and comfortable!) nights of study.

If you want to make the most of your time in the library, take a look at our post on productivity and adding pauses to your PhD.

Do you have any questions about the library? Leave us a comment below, tweet us @ResearchEx or email us at

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